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Permissions Reporter

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About Projects

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A Permissions Reporter Project contains all the information and settings required to generate a permissions report.


IMPORTANT: When a project is saved, the resulting file does not contain any currently available permissions report data. If you wish to save report data, please use the Export feature to do so.


The name of the currently loaded project (if any) will be shown in the main window title bar.


Creating Projects


Select the New project button in the main window toolbar to create a new project. The Project Settings window will be displayed, allowing you to configure the new project according to your needs.


Saving Projects


Permissions Reporter projects are saved to the file system in XML file format. To save the current project settings to the file system, click the Save button in the main window toolbar. You can also use File | Save Project As to save the current project under a new file name.


Loading Projects


Use the Load button within the main window toolbar to load a project from the file system.


Running a Project


Use the Run project button in the main window toolbar to generate a permissions report using the current project settings.