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Permissions Reporter

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Permissions Reporter allows two permissions reports to be compared, thus allowing users to identify differences between folder-level permissions.


Report comparison involves several steps, each of which are discussed below.


Importing Data


The first step is to specify source and target report data for comparison.


When specifying file paths, please note that existing report data must be in XML file format. XML is one of the file format options available on when exporting report data.


The source report must be an existing permissions report in XML file format. The target report can either be an existing XML report file or you can elect to use whatever permissions report data is currently loaded into memory (if any).


Upon clicking Next, report comparison data will be imported as needed. Please note that this may take some time, especially for larger data sources.


Selecting Comparison Paths


The second step of the report comparison wizard involves selecting the paths you wish to compare.


If existing report data import was successful, you will be presented with two folder trees from which you can select source and target comparison paths.


Important: Most of the time you'll want to select the same paths in the source and target comparison trees in order to produce meaningful comparison results.


You may optionally engage the Compare all root folders check box, which will effectively disable the path selection trees and cause all root folders present in the comparison report data to be used as the source and target comparison path(s).


Finally, engage the Only show differences between reports option if you only want changes to appear in the final report. Use of this option is recommended, as it produces more concise comparison results in less time.


Upon clicking Next, the report data comparison process will begin.


Comparison Results


The final phase of the report comparison wizard allows you to review the report comparison results.


Report comparison results are shown by change type (to facilitate filtering and/or sorting), a path, and a description of what's changed. The follow changes are recognized:


Folder added

Folder removed

Folder inheritance added

Folder inheritance removed

Folder owner changed

Permission not changed

Permission added

Permission removed


If you choose not to engage the Only show differences between reports option, then the comparison report will also include:


Folder not changed

Permissions not changed


All of the above comparison results will also include a textual description of the change in question.


You can optionally export the comparison results to CSV (.csv) or MS Excel (.xslx) file format.