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Permissions Reporter

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File Permissions Report

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A Permissions Reporter project allows you to configure which file system entries will be included in the File Report. It also allows the File Report to be enabled or disabled.


When the File Report is enabled, you have the option of including:


1.Files not inheriting permissions from their parent folder

2.Files with permissions not present in parent folder

3.Files lacking permissions present on parent folder


Tracking File Permissions Differences


Enabling the "track permissions differences" option will cause Permissions Report to retain information on which specific file permissions differ from their parent folder. Using this option will increase program memory usage.


These differences will then become available to users reviewing the file report results in the form of collapsible / expandable nodes.


Permissions differences can also be included in report export data.


Excluding System Files


There's also an option (enabled by default) available for excluding files with the "system" NTFS attribute set.


Maximum File Report Entries


By default, Permissions Reporter limits the maximum number of files that can be displayed in the File Report to 999,999 entries.


This default limitation exists because very large file systems may contain many millions of files that match the default file report criteria. Tracking and displaying all such files can consume an inordinate amount of system memory and significantly impact performance. Additionally, making use of a file report containing millions of entries is generally impractical.


If you need to track an unlimited number of entries in the File Report, set the maximum number of file report entries to -1. Keep in mind that doing so may negatively impact performance and increase memory usage (potentially resulting in "out of memory" errors).